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Rub and Tug Mom

Category: Incest
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For the past three years, completely unbeknown to my husband Tom and my three beautiful kids, I have been working in a massage parlor called the Pink Lady. While I'm not proud of being a 'rub & tug' girl, Tom has repeatedly refused to let me get a regular job even when money is tight.
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With Another Couple

Category: Group Sex
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My name is Sharon and I'm 31. I'll be 32 in just under a month. My husband's name is Dave and he's a year older than me. His birthday and my birthday are just two days apart. We have been married for 3 1/2 years and currently do not have any children. Our sex life was pretty good before, having sex quite often. But like so many others, it became routine, and although I usually always had an orgasm, it just wasn't as exciting as it had been.
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The Nurses New Interns

Category: Group Sex
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"Kiss her!" Dave urged softly, enthusiastically. "Oh fuck, yeah! Kiss her, Baby!" Obeying Dave's lusty exhortation, I mashed my lipstick covered lips to Amy's, and slid my spearing tongue deep inside the petite blonde's sweet, hot mouth. "Damn!" I heard Rick exclaim loudly. "That's so fucking hot. It's almost like seeing sisters making out or something." Dave and Rick were gaping with hot arousal as Amy and I passionately kissed each other. They weren't the only ones watching. Jasper's, a popular after-work gathering place in suburban Maryland, was packed with the usual rowdy late-afternoon/early-evening Friday crowd.
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