
It hadn't been that long ago at all that their sleep over's were nothing but staying up all night drinking as many Red Bull's as their young bodies could take talking about nothing in particular while listening to whatever new music Naiya had downloaded onto her computer and they chatted with one friend or another on MySpace, AIM or through texts until they simply collapsed from exhaustion.
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This incident from my young life would never have happened if it hadn't been for my best friend Barbara's cousin Nicole. Nicole had visited Barbara before, and I had met her a couple of times before that summer after Barbara and I graduated from high school. Barbara and I often slept over at each others' houses, so it was not surprising that Barbara told me to come and sleep over on the Saturday night when her cousin was there.
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My friend Melanie has the hottest ass in the world. I don't know what it is about it, but it's perfect, and just thinking about it gets me wet. She used to send dirty pictures of herself to guys online but get me to give my opinions on them first. I think she was half showing off, half genuinely wanting me to look at her naked. So that was how I first saw her ass anyway.
We used to hang out from when we were about eighteen to about twenty three, and all the time I knew her she was obsessed with sex. We'd spend hours watching 'hilarious' porn, or talking about sex and guys.
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