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Nutmeg For Mom

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Robert sat locked up in his room looking at a various Literotica story with one hand on the swell of his shorts and the second on the mouse. Since he found out about Literotica (two years ago) from his old girlfriend, Robert had been glued to it's contents for weeks on end. The story in question now was dealing with his favorite taboo: incest, and centered itself on a story of Mother and son. His fingertips gently grazed back and forth over the heady swell of his cock as it pushed itself against its confines with a dire need for release.
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Cum Sail Away

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I was fixing dinner when I heard David pull into the driveway. He had only recently begun working at a large accounting firm. He seemed to really like this place. It was close by, his co-workers were friendly and the pay was good. David walked in, threw down his briefcase, grabbed me and gave me a long deep kiss. He told me that Mike, one of his co-workers, had invited us to sail on his boat next weekend with his wife Jenny.
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