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Sitting at Stacey’s Feet

Category: Fetish
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The gathering at Alan's was supposed to be a pool party, but the clouds had been threatening all through the sultry August afternoon and few had taken a swim. By the time the barbecue was ready, it looked like it really would rain at any moment, so everyone crowded inside with their food. By the time I got mine there was hardly any place to sit, and I was grateful when Anne, who had already finished eating, waved me over to take her place on a low ottoman that had been pushed aside so it was near the end of the couch.
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This Little Piggy

Category: Fetish
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"This little piggy went to market." "What are you doing?" Cosmo did not reply. Instead, he proceeded on to her second toe, taking it between his thumb and index finger, wiggling it back and forth. "This little piggy stayed home." "You are so weird!" "This little piggy had roast beef." He changed his inflexion to a low, pouting tone and continued, "and this little piggy, he had none."
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Unemployment to Enjoyment

Category: Fetish
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For Amy Lynn Steele, it was hard not to reflect upon her current economic situation as she stood in the long line that filled every available representative of the Bureau of Unemployment Compensation. If she had not desperately needed the money, she would have vacated the building a long time ago, but the truth was, she needed the money, even if the weekly pay-out was far less than the amount she got as a Personal Assistant.
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