
Chapter One
"Damn him. He wasn't supposed to be the first one to go. He promised me. He's really screwed it up, he has."
Sadie, jarred by the tone of Jan's voice, sat up on her haunches and nosed her head into her new mistress's hand. Without even realizing she'd done it, Jan stroked Sadie's head and behind an ear. Reassured, Sadie gave an "I wasn't really worried" yawn and settled back on the ground beside the folding chair Jan was sitting on.
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Well over a year ago now, my parents decided to move into one of those assisted living places, or retirement homes if you will. I was a little surprised by that when they did, but after seeing the brochures and such where they'd be living, I could certainly understand why.
My folks had done very well for themselves. Dad had owned his own business (which I was now running) and had tucked away a nice tidy amount of money to retire on.
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Stacey walked down the dull corridors of Green Ridge Retirement Home with her head in the clouds. Stacey was a 21 year old nursing student, and let's just say that maintaining her long blond hair and amazing figure wasn't all she had to worry about.
Currently in her 2nd year of college, Stacey was in serious debt, and had no time to get a job because she spent most of her time here at the retirement home volunteering.
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Carol was in one of her blue funks. Why I didn't know, but they had been coming fast and furiously as of late. One minute, she was her normal cheerful self and the next; she was either the bitch from hell or on the verge of tears. Now it was total silence and depression.
I had asked her to accompany me on this business trip, hoping that it would help in some way. So far it hadn't helped a bit, it was actually worse.
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