
Mark's the sort of man you can't help but want to tie down and gag. He's clean shaven, nicely dressed and well mannered with slight build and quick eyes—ah, but that Mr. Brady routine is just a front. The man is actually a tightly wound ball of futile energy and repressed urges. I think he only shaves his head to keep from tearing his hair out in frustration. After a while, his manic approach to life in general makes you want to push him down, sit on his legs and scream, "BE STILL!"
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The sound of his Pet mewing and panting, as well as the sound of the Wand Love Seat's motor, brought him up short. Patrick's eyes narrowed slightly and curiosity made him wonder: how often had his naughty girl played when he was away on business trips? The level of trust had always been high, at least he thought it had been; it was for him. Why hadn't it been enough for Brittany?
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I'm in bed waiting for you while you brush your teeth, wash your face, all those little personal tasks at the very end of the day. I'm wearing a not-too-interesting light woven cotton shortie top and panties, lying on my back, drifting off to sleep. I know you're naked, it's a hot summer night and you never wear pajamas, anyway. I feel the bed shift when you sit down.
"Don't do anything," you say. "Just turn your head away and pretend like I'm not here."
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It's been a few weeks since my stories were discovered by Sir on the Literotica website. As it turned out, Sir and I live in the same city, about 10 miles apart. When Sir mentioned there was an opening in his company, and it was in my field of expertise, in order to be closer to him, I jumped at the opportunity.
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When Tiffany woke up the first thing she noticed was the light. Directly overhead was a large circle pierced with holes, and through each opening a thin shaft of sunlight fell diagonally through the clouds. It was very warm and her body was relaxed, rested—she felt good. There was a wonderfully evocative smell in the air. At first she couldn't imagine where she might be and then the memories came flooding back.
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"Have you decided on the next scene?"
She looked up from her appetizer to see the question in his blue-gray eyes. She reached into her purse and passed him the slip of paper, looking away.
Moments later she looked up at his comment. "This will take a little while." She shivered at how clinical he had become. Exactly as she wanted.
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This weekend is my birthday. The BIG 4 0. A few months ago I found out about this club a couple hours away that fulfills fantasies. So as a present to myself I booked myself for this weekend. I chose the public display fantasy. I wanted to make sure I would never forget my 40th birthday.
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I stood there quietly waiting for him to appear. The stares from the passing airport guests were easy to feel and I did my best to ignore them. It was hard. I admit that; it still is hard to recall the lewd looks and the disgusted glares that washed over me from people I didn't know. Funny, how a person wishes to be liked by even those they will probably never encounter again.
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Tiffany was furious with her parents. What were they thinking, sending her to this godforsaken place? She wouldn't have minded a summer in Rome or Paris but no, they had to send her to Istanbul. Just because she got in a little scrape back home in Tennessee, her parents decided that she should spend some time with her diplomat uncle and his native wife in Turkey.
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He pulls slowly past her house, noting with satisfaction that the windows are dark. She's either sleeping, or at least back in her room. All he needs to do is figure out how to get in quietly.
He circles the cul-de-sac, then coasts his motorcycle into the drive...cutting the engine as soon as he's off the road. He steps off the bike, and removes his helmet and coat. He'll keep the soft leather gloves on, he decides.
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