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Resort Day

Category: Fetish
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It was a warm Fall morning and we had slept in late during a rare day off together. We had absolutely nothing planned so we lounged in bed talking and enjoying being snuggled up close to each other. "I miss being naked on the beach like we were during our trip to the resort," Sandra, my wife, said referring to the incredible week that we spent at the Mexican, adults-only, clothing-optional resort.
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Assisted Living

Category: Group Sex
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Well over a year ago now, my parents decided to move into one of those assisted living places, or retirement homes if you will. I was a little surprised by that when they did, but after seeing the brochures and such where they'd be living, I could certainly understand why. My folks had done very well for themselves. Dad had owned his own business (which I was now running) and had tucked away a nice tidy amount of money to retire on.
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The School

Category: BDMS
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My warmest and deepest thanks to LadyM12 for her constructive comments as well as her efforts in editing this document. "Are you Mr Williams? I think I'm expected." Martin Williams looked up from his desk to see a rather tall, long-legged blond standing in the doorway. She was about 5 feet 11 inches tall, with long hair past her shoulders. Probably 36-24-38, but the jacket hid the true size of her waist.
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A Maid in Montana

Category: Group Sex, Lesbian Sex
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I took the job as a maid at the golf resort because, one, I figured I'd be left alone a lot of the time while I cleaned, and two, because what else was I going to do after high school? Work a bar, work a cash register at the feed store, either one I'd have to deal with assholes who poked fun at me for being a fat girl. I didn't consider myself fat, just sturdy. It wasn't because I ate potato chips and candy bars all day, it was just genetics that made me as strong as an ox.
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Vinny’s Cock is Showin’

Category: Gay Male
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I felt guilt-ridden, taking pleasure from staring at the cute guy's cock. In any case, I reasoned, it was his own fault for wearing a wide-legged, boxer-style swimsuit; and therefore, I was entitled to continue admiring his jewels with impunity.
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MaryAnn, Josie, and Hedonist Resort

Category: Mature
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Divorce didn't figure to be a matter of any particular concern to Josie. Both she and her husband had done well in their careers. If need be she could live well on her own salary plus royalties, but she didn't need to. Rod had been so anxious to shed his middle-aged wife in order to marry the girl barely older than their daughter he agreed to give Josie whatever her lawyer asked.
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Welcome to the Resort

Category: Group Sex
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The Mediterranean sun was reaching its noon heat when the resort owners finally left their rooms on the top tier of the three floors surrounding the pool centred courtyard. As they stood looking down on the men, women, and teenage girls below they couldn't resist a thrill of excitement.
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Seducing the Newbies

Category: Group Sex
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You almost always meet at least one couple like them at a lifestyle event. One of them talks excessively, but her chatter is just a nervous jumble of pleasant words that say nothing about their real intentions. The other says hardly a word, but his roving eye and transparent expression announce their fantasy to have sex with strangers.
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