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The Policeman’s Revenge

Category: Mature
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Michael Powell was exhausted now. He lay very still, taking small, shallow, quick breaths. On his lumpy single bed, staring at the cracked, white ceiling of his room, Michael recounted the events of earlier that night, in his own private mind movie. He took one deeper breath, closed his eyes and smiled. He opened them again and reached over to pick up the toilet roll from the floor at the side of his bed.
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On Three

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I can't imagine an officer, at least one like me, ending up in a situation like this. It was humiliating...and strangely erotic. There I was, tied to a beautiful woman, both of us down to our unmentionables, while she rode me like a two-bit stripper and I tried my best not to embarrass myself by losing it right in my boxers.
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Eric Lacroix

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The Gash was the worst beat in town, and being the cop working it meant that you had three options: get promoted and get reassigned, leave the force, or wait to die. Cops had a shorter lifespan in The Gash than a white-girl's virginity did in a rap concert. I had worked this beat once, before I took done a cop-killing drug-dealing Puerto Rican slut named La Zorra and made vice. There was no need for me to come back to this shitty-ass place, but I wanted to. The Gash was my connection to someone I cared about. Someone who needed my help.
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Gas Station Hammering

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I had been driving for a full hour before I saw the ram shackled huddle of buildings appear like a mirage at the road side. Though I'd travelled this desert road from Reno so many times it still came as a surprise when Froggie Bills gas station appeared like it had been dropped from the heavens. I slowed my car eager to stretch my legs and no doubt share a few words with the eccentric owner.
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Lydia And Lucy On The Beat

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"My god this is a slow night! What the hell is everyone doing?" Constable Lydia Knightley was bored to tears, almost literally, and struggling to keep awake in the worst way. 2am on a twelve-hour night shift was the beginning of the nods, and with no action around, there was nothing but will power keeping her awake.
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Pulled Over

Category: Gay Male
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Here I was, driving in the middle of the night from one city to another. A friend was getting married in the capitol city where we went to college, but I had since moved away. I drove back for the wedding and was supposed to crash at an old buddy's place. The buddy flaked out on me, so I had no where to stay. I really didn't want to get a hotel room because I'm always on a budget. So, I just decided to pop a red bull and drive back home that night.
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