
It was pouring rain as I pounded on the door to my best friend's house. The lights weren't on and her car wasn't in the driveway, but I was so enraged that I didn't care. I was about ready to give up on the door and just crash through the front window when the light in the front hall came on and the door flew open.
"What in the hell..." Ashley's dad looked furious until he saw me. His jaw dropped as he looked at me, and he was silent for a moment. "Nicole, what's going on?"
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He would never forget that day, for as long as he lived. Every time he thought about it, his cheeks burned with shame and his eyes flashed with anger.
It was just a casual get-together for her and her friends, celebrating a college graduation. The drinks flowed liberally, as liberally as the piano music in the background, as liberally as the laughter and merriment.
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"Asshole," Jeri said out loud as she drank a tall glass of water near the kitchen sink.
Jeri stared lazily at the backyard where the young neighbor was mowing and trimming the backyard. It had been a task he had completed every summer for them for several years. Jeri and her husband had paid him well for his work, which wasn't so good when he first started, but became better and better. Being a scorching day, he was out there with his shirt off. Jeri would watch if she was home when he worked, but never fathomed the idea of anything more.
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I was feeling a bit tipsy as I topped off the two glasses and dropped the empty wine bottle in the trash. I had a splitting headache that wasn't responding to aspirin, and I had nothing stronger.
"Sandy?" Julie, my best friend, called from the living room, "You put the other bottles in the fridge?"
"Yeah, they should be cold by the time we finish these."
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"No! Fuck you! I'm not doing it, and you can't make me!"
I could hear the girl next door screaming at her parents again, and I knew that this time, it was about me, or rather, the deal that I had offered her parents.
Amber was 18, very beautiful, a bit thin for my tastes, but a raging bitch and brat. An only child, she basically got what she wanted, and when she didn't, she yelled and screamed.
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"Shit! Shitshhitshitshit!" Sarah quietly screamed, looking at the scrape on the back fender where she'd kissed the nearby post of the mall's underground parkade. Tears welled in her eyes. "What am I going to do?" she lamented, beginning to hyperventilate, as she considered her husband's response. She wasn't even supposed to be using his pride and joy, a maroon Carerra 4. She wouldn't have been either, except that her Audi was making weird noises.
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