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Longing For Love

Category: Mature
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Jackie arrived at her house and retired to her bedroom. She threw her keys on the night stand before taking a few deep breaths. She wondered how she should spend the rest of her evening and night. She knew her husband was already asleep in his bedroom, passed out drunk. She was so bored with her marriage of six years that there was nothing left but empty feelings for her husband. She wished he would just leave and divorce her. All he cared about was getting drunk, day after day. It seemed as if he had alcohol for blood.
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Sharon & Jackie & a Double-Dong

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Sharon and Jackie have been best friends ever since they were little girls. They played dolls together, studied together, double-dated in high school and were roommates in college. Each was the maid of honor at the other's wedding and each provided a shoulder to cry on when the other got divorced. Now they are roommates again, sharing a two bedroom apartment in town. Besides the apartment, they share what clothing they can, and they share me when we get together to make love.
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