
The old fisherman sat out at the end of the dilapidated dock in his lopsided deck chair. Though it was getting on toward evening the sun was nice and warm. He was fishing really light; a homemade bamboo pole and an old reel he maybe got before he had whiskers. Duck-taped it to the pole and wound it with ten pound test. Fishing flounder didn't take much gear. He had a card of hooks, a tin with some weights and floats and some leader. Minnows in an old milk bottle and a plastic paint bucket for his catch. He had caught some.
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Stacey walked down the dull corridors of Green Ridge Retirement Home with her head in the clouds. Stacey was a 21 year old nursing student, and let's just say that maintaining her long blond hair and amazing figure wasn't all she had to worry about.
Currently in her 2nd year of college, Stacey was in serious debt, and had no time to get a job because she spent most of her time here at the retirement home volunteering.
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My fiancé said, "Kate, you have to promise me you won't look in this one box. Promise?"
I laughed and held up my hand like taking an oath. "I promise, sir!"
"Mr. Zankov, you keep her honest for me until I get home. In fact, here."
Our new landlord helped carry some out belongings from the car to our 3rd floor apartment. He took the brown box from John while saying, "Da, Da! Your secret safe. Segei too promise."
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My name is – well, what difference does it make what my name is? I mean, you don't care about me. You're probably more interested in my little adventure and, if that's the case, you're one sick son of a bitch. But, okay, here goes.
Oh, hell, I don't care if you want to know or not. I'm going to give you a little background about me anyway. If you don't like, go screw yourself.
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