
Ever had a co-worker you wanted to fuck so badly it almost hurt? I think that's fairly common, especially for men of my age and experience. But to have that coworker admit they feel the same makes it much more interesting. Add to that a 20plus age gap and endless creativity, and going to work can be almost dangerous.
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I will not name the government agency where much of this story takes place. I left the agency several years ago, but I still have friends there, hence the caution. Names of the people involved have also been changed, of course, but other than that, this is what really happened.
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Despite my best efforts, thoughts of what I wanted to do to Michael kept clouding my mind. Maybe coming up with that fantasy about him hadn't been the best idea. Instead of clearing my head, now I was wishing even more that it would happen in reality.
But the pressure was on with our project and I forced myself to focus on the job at hand. The next four days of the convention were really intense. It wasn't easy because the others all knew each other and had worked together in this type of situation before, and I was still the new guy in the group.
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The Boss has a new PA.
Charley started this morning, hanging up her denim jacket and snaking slowly across the office towards Kate’s old desk. Kate quit last Friday – she said he’d been ‘harassing’ her. Her replacement: this sexy, full-breasted blonde with tortoiseshell glasses giving her a deceptively innocent look.
Glasses or no, she walks like a lap dancer.
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