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Nursing My Helpless Daughter

Category: Incest
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We moved, my daughter and I. We loaded up the a U-Haul ourselves. Everything was going great. We unloaded everything at the new house and returned the truck to the dealership in our newly adopted hometown. But then my daughter fell face-first from a few feet up from the back of the truck with an arm full of moving blankets. You know, the kind that are used to protect furniture. She was carrying the blankets to their U-Haul office so that the dealer could count them.
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ANR Fantasy

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Friday morning. He will arrive home from work by four o'clock this afternoon. We've spoken often this week of our plans. I have errands to do this morning...first to the food market, then to my favorite boutique for sexy lingerie, last to the florist for a beautiful arrangement to grace our bedroom. Weeks ago I purchased exquisite nursing bras to surprise him.
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Nursing My Old Male Friend

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
It was a warm October afternoon where I lived in England. I left my house in the quaint little village where I lived and started to walk to the bus stop. It felt particularly odd today as I had no pram to push along and my hands felt bare because of this. I gave birth to Amelia three months ago. My ex-boyfriend (Amelia's father) had decided that we should part although it was an amicable parting.
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