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Nursing My Old Male Friend

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
It was a warm October afternoon where I lived in England. I left my house in the quaint little village where I lived and started to walk to the bus stop. It felt particularly odd today as I had no pram to push along and my hands felt bare because of this. I gave birth to Amelia three months ago. My ex-boyfriend (Amelia's father) had decided that we should part although it was an amicable parting.
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Puffy Nipples

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My sister Alicia has taken to showing off her tits. She is eighteen now and I guess she figures our parents can't tell her how to dress. I am her older brother. I am twenty two now and I have been noticing that she goes around without a bra. I have my own small apartment and Alicia sometimes comes over when she wants to escape from our parents. It was one Saturday morning when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked out and saw my sister standing there. Sure enough she was wearing a tight shirt and no bra.
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Frustrated Milky Breasts

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I love the way my breasts look. They are large and full looking with big sticky-out nipples. What's more they are full of milk - too much milk! I gave birth to a baby about six months ago and, since then, my body has become virtually everything I ever wished for. I've worked hard on getting my tummy flat, and have succeeded fairly well, and then there are my tits. I think they are simply amazing.
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The Barter System

Category: Fetish
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Melissa was having a pretty good day. The baby actually slept through the night. Her asshole ex-boyfriend had managed the child support check and she finally fit back into her skirts. Blouses were another story. Her breasts had been so swollen for the last few months. She had enough milk to feed two babies. Between the baby and the breast pump, she felt her tits were hanging out all day. Not that she would have minded showing them off. She loved having the new figure. Since returning from maternity leave, all the men in the building took double takes.
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Making Love to a Nipple

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
She comes in. There's something about her. About the song in her walk and the smile in her chest. About the aroma of her being. About the puff of her ego. About her nipple. Small, so incredibly tiny, hiding away in the darkness, lurching, waiting, conspiring, plotting. Patient. Living life in the shadows, hidden, on the edge, touching the edge, that small piece of fabric, a prisoner with threads of clothing as jail bars.
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Holiday Love

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
For me, family holidays are always boring. So I'm sure you can understand that while sitting on the plane going to Cyprus, I was not too pleased. I hadn't been there in 8 years so was excited to see my family, but to be honest; there was nothing to do where I was staying.
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Mutual Masturbation

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The room was quiet. It was cluttered with clothes, text books, computer parts, and basically random crap. Bunk beds were stacked in one corner, and two college freshmen were lying awake. On the bottom bunk Mary was having a hard time falling asleep. She was wearing a tight t-shift, and sweat pants. Those being enough to keep her warm, she had kicked off her covers. She was staring up at the top bunk wondering if her roommate was asleep yet.
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Crown Victoria

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Carly!" Gina had never learned any other way to start a phone conversation than with an exclamation point "Hey, guess who's going to be back in town tonight?" That could only be the third member of our little band of confidants, Maryanne. The three of us had always been tight, all through high school. We had other friends, but we three shared the really close in feelings and stuff.
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Playful Becomes Passionate

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was late. K and Stephen lay in front of American Pie. The movie was 2/3rds over. The incense was lit; the wine was open and half gone. The lighthearted sexuality of the movie was inspiring lighthearted play which would lead to hard hilarious sex on the pile of couch cushions before the end.
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