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Love in a New City

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My name is Jake. I'm about 5' 10" and fairly skinny. I like to stay in shape by running, but have never been into weight lifting or building muscle. That said, I like to think that I'm not scrawny and am fairly easy on the eyes. I should also say that I am one of those people who doesn't believe that anyone is completely straight or completely gay, but if you asked me which I was I would certainly tell you straight.
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Two Men in a Dungeon

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This is a story resulting from receiving several full-body photos from a body-builder reader along with a description of what he could give me in a rough fuck. The Hulk crouched near the bolted heavy oak door, eyeing Rab, ready to pounce, trying to anticipate where Rab might try to scurry next. The stone-walled chamber wasn't small, but it wasn't so large that Rab had much of a chance evading the Hulk much longer.
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