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Joe’s Video Camera Adventure

Category: Gay Male
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I knew that I should not be doing this, but that just made me stroke my cock harder! It was an amazing feeling, and the camera was capturing it all!

Okay, let me back up just a bit and bring you up to speed. I had a contract job for a low budget movie, and had traveled out of town to be on the set for about two weeks. It was not much of a movie, a sort of future-horror thing, and I was part of the camera team. As such I got to spend a lot of time with the newest toy, a super high speed camera used for taking extreme slow motion shots.

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Jessica Wants to be Her Whore

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Jessica had a stressful day at work, and was glad to finally be walking through her apartment door. All she wanted to do was take a bath, and relax. As she soaked in the tub, letting the warm water drain all her stress, she began thinking about the movie she picked up on the way home. She had went into the video store looking for some kind of love story. Frustrated from not finding anything that looked good, she noticed a room in the back of the store. Above the door read a sign "ADULTS ONLY."
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Playful Becomes Passionate

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was late. K and Stephen lay in front of American Pie. The movie was 2/3rds over. The incense was lit; the wine was open and half gone. The lighthearted sexuality of the movie was inspiring lighthearted play which would lead to hard hilarious sex on the pile of couch cushions before the end.
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