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My Wife Finds a Load

Category: Fetish
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I have written about my wife Susie and how we both love cum and that she eagerly indulges my obsession with the precious fluid. I'm bisexual and sometimes involve the services of another man for my cum fix. She loves to see me with my mouth being stuffed by a hard cock and how much I enjoy it. Lately, she has pushed for a more active role in helping me.
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At Work: The Next Visit

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If you read part 1 you know that I was tied up and sexually used by a shop foreman. This story relates what happened when I had to return the next month. I clearly remembered my last sales call to this shop. The foreman had led me back to a storeroom on the pretext of ordering some additional items. Little did I realize, until we were back there that the items he was interested in were my mouth, tits and cunt.
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Prom Night

Category: Incest
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I guess the best way to begin this story is to tell you about myself. I am 40 years old (absolutely true) and a widow with a nineteen year old son. I started exercising about ten years ago and have been able to maintain my figure. I'm 5' 7" and 135 pounds (well, 140) and have put on a little weight in the last couple of years, which is not all bad as it is distributed well and does include an increase in cup size (B to C). As my breasts were never that big to begin with, I don't have the kind of sag one should expect at 40. I can actually get by without a bra.
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