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Brooke Ch. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Brooke II: Finding Allison entered the bedroom, reached for the buttons of her blouse and whispered, "Cool." The young woman strutted as if she owned the room. She peeled off her top and short denim skirt, and circled the bed in nothing but a dampened thong. Her blue eyes flashed and her straight brunette hair steamed behind. The lean body dripped sexuality. At that moment Allison did own the room.
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Maid to Measure

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
"Jenny," I heard Mrs Draycott call, "I don't want to be a nuisance, but do you think you could spare me a moment?" I walked across the large hallway and entered the lounge where my employer was laying on the couch. "I've slipped down a little." she said in her soft husky voice "Do you think you could help me up." I walked over to her and smiled "Of course Mrs Draycott, lift your arms." I leaned over her and she put her arms around my neck and I placed my own under hers and linked my hands behind her back.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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Each year they swept in, families of various sizes and ages from across the world. They came from the snow swept regions down to the tropics. Families came every year, looking for fun in the sun and to escape the cold winter season. I lived and worked in Aruba and enjoyed life here. The people of the island were tolerant and open minded.
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Cathy & Sharon

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It was my last evening in England and I had been invited to spend it at the coffee lounge just around the corner from my hotel. I had spent many happy evenings there with the owners Bob and Vicky. I had spent the last five months working at the English office of the company that I worked for trying to salvage something after a manager had run off with a large amount of the assets. I had recovered most of what was missing and felt that I was leaving after a job well done.
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