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Swimming Surprise

Category: Incest
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My wife and I both grew up in very conservative homes and ended up marrying at the tender ages of 19 years old. We were both virgins and had very little experience with the opposite sex until our wedding night. This story is not about that night but it is about something that happened a couple of years later before we started to have children.
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What Should I Do?

Category: Mature
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I'm sitting here wondering what tomorrow will bring. My stomach has been hurting me for months and I finally made a doctor's appointment. I must admit I'm a little scared. Cancer is too dominant in today's society. Maybe I just have a stomach problem. Time will tell. I'm a sixty-three year old man who has been married for forty-two of those years. My wife is now sixty-six.
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Helping the Neighbor’s Daughter

Category: Mature
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Naomi Phillips stood at the bus stop, her shoulders slumped, eyes staring ahead blankly. Her mind kept going over and over the events of the summer, when she and her parents had moved to this new neighborhood. They were so happy and then... Why did her father have to have a fatal heart attack? Why was he having an affair with his secretary? How could he have squandered his wife's and daughter's future on this sordid affair?
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Holiday Living at the Beach

Category: Mature
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The phone rang as Keith just finished telling me he loved me. It was Susie. "Hi, Nancy," said Susie. "How's it going?" "Fine," I replied smiling at Keith while pointing to a picture of Susie and me in a framed picture. "Are you dating anyone, Nancy? Bill has this great friend I'd like to set you up with," stated Susie. "Oh, that's so nice of you, Susie," I replied imagining what kind of bore her set-up would be. "But, I'm really busy at work and traveling a lot which wouldn't be fair to Bill's friend right now. Maybe another time."
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