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Two Weeks of Leave

Category: Incest
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I was always a fat kid. No matter what I did, I could never lose the weight. I played sports in high school, dieted, lifted weights and ran for miles. As a result, I was always in pretty good shape, but I could never shed the baby fat. In college it was the same story, only with less exercise and more beer. So when time came to graduate, instead of going to medical school like my father and my older sister, I did something no one could have possibly predicted. I joined the US Marine Corps. Having always been a competitor, I threw myself in to training. I wanted to be the best at everything. I pushed myself hard, worked out after hours, and kept to a strict diet.
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Ever since congress passed the twenty-eighth amendment legalizing prostitution and other sexual services, there has been a rising and more predominant sub-culture of professional and recreational sexual slavery. Whether men and women would sign away their bodies for love or money, the contract was legally binding and would hold up in any court. A number of BDSM dens arose where like-minded people could gather;
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