
Dr. Terri Childs has been dating my brother for the past three months, the exact time I have been diligently touring the country with my band. I know it's a strange way to start a story but I think you'll understand better once I take it from the beginning and go from there. My name is Jaime Shepherd and I am a musician.
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For a few weeks about a year ago my best friend, Ethan, kept telling me how he found the perfect girl. At all of 21 years old he was certain. He found a girl that was "like a model", "witty", and "full of life."
After what seemed like eternity he finally decided to "showcase" her (as he so eloquently put it). See, here's the thing about Ethan. While he is a smart guy that has a defined body, he's very egotistical, self-centered, and incredibly dependant on being the guy everyone wants to be (even though none of his friends want to be like him).
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The first time I saw Ellen Rothko was when I walked into Boyle's Antiques on Clark Street, looking for old records. She was showing a woman some antique earrings, their heads bent over the display case, and when she heard me come in she looked up and caught my eye, shocked me with her beauty, and then lowered her face again, leaving me standing there gaping like an idiot.
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(I have to thank my editor Tinkz for her work on this story... Please enjoy your read and I do hope you like it, it was an odd topic for me to write about and had to have several conversations with a dear friend of mine her only condition in helping me was to remain nameless. Both she and her partner have read this and with a knowing smile have figured out which one is which in this story.)
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