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Three-Way Banter

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I don't know if you could call what the two of us were doing dancing, as much as just that drunken bumping and grinding that dancing eventually gets reduced to. Either way, I was enjoying the hell out of myself. I wasn't really that drunk, but alcohol, in my mind, always gives me a justification to be brash with people. Generally I'd be too shy to dance, or too aware of my lack of coordination, but not here and not now.
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Nothing But the Butt

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The following story took place about 8 years ago and it developed into a 6-year sexual relationship between my sister (then 26) and me (then 23). We had both just returned from a cousin's wedding reception and man, were we buzzed. OK, drunk. 'Jess' had moved out of the house a few years earlier but was staying at the family homestead for the wedding weekend.
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