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Take Me

Category: Anal Sex
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As I sit on the bed, I watch you pour the wine, large glasses full to the brim, passing one to me you watch as I drink it all in one go, you now know what I want, and what you will get. Slipping your hand up my legs to the tops of my black lace hold up stockings you slowly pulled each one from my body. I stand up and closed my eyes as I let you strip me, turning my body slowly round so that you could see every inch, then watch as I fill then drink yet another glass of wine as you strip.
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Sharon’s First Lesson

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
After talking about orgasms and vibrators for an hour or so, Sharon decided she should go take a shower. Wonder if it was going to be a cold one or was she going to use the shower massager to relieve some of the frustration that was showing on her face when she got up from the waterbed.
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