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Her Punishment

Category: Anal Sex
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"Tell me what happened," I said, my cock beginning to stir. I was sitting down in my chair. You crawled slowly across the carpet from where you were sitting, and dragged your body up onto my lap. I could smell the liquor oozing out of your body, as you slurred into my ear. "I showed him my pussy." You paused, and then whispered, "And his cock got hard." "How could you tell?"
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Neighbor Fun

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It had been a long day. I had stopped over at my parent's house to mow the lawn and check on the dog while they were away. After finishing the lawn and cleaning up I stepped outside to have a cigarette. I hadn't been out there very long when I noticed a gorgeous lady about three houses down looking in some distress.
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