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A Vow Unsaid

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I can't remember a time in my life when he wasn't around. Patrick and I were born two days and two plantations apart. Our families were good friends and even better business partners. From the moment we were born, they dreamed of uniting their plantations just outside of Savannah, Georgia and producing another generation of devout Catholics. 1100 acres and 12 children total. Yes, it seemed Patrick and I were destined to be together.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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There's a faded childhood scar on her jaw. It shows in sharper relief in the flickering candlelight. She walks to me, letting her cream chemise spill to the carpet. The beauty mark on the inside of her thigh winks at me as she crosses the room. I had stripped and laid down on our bed earlier, as soon as I saw the lit candles and massage oils on the nightstand.
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Night Diving

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Jamaica had been a disaster for Janice Coughlin. It shouldn't have surprised her, after all everyone knew her by her nickname of Jinx. As far back as she could remember, and even beyond, fate had seemed to hold a grudge against her. She wasn't clumsy or stupid, but everything that conceivably could go wrong always seemed to do so. Even when things did go right fate seemed to be just setting her up for another fall. This trip was turning out to be another example of that and bitter tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought of how unfair it was.
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New Life

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Rachel stood outside the door of the apartment. Her right hand moved up and down the side of her jeans, wiping off the wetness on her palm. Coming here... making the decision to be with her would end up hurting another. 'But it's how I feel... What I want!' She thought to herself.
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A Reason for Leaving

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Leyla is the hardest worker you'll ever meet. She busted her ass through high school, college, med school, etc. Her hard work continues on with any and everything she does. She's now a doctor and everyday is hard work....and stressful.
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Dish of the Evening

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Note from author: This is my second submission, and my first lesbian story. All participants are of legal age, and are consenting. This story contains explicit sexual descriptions, if you get offended by this, please do not read.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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My daughter Faith had a brooding look on her usually sunny face. When she returned home from college for winter break, her mood alternated from surly to morose. My efforts to engage her in conversation failed and I tried every approach I knew as a professional therapist but she refused to open up.
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An American In Manila

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Josie Helling stood on the sidewalk in the sweltering heat of an extreme Manila summer. She waited patiently for the car to arrive, deciding against ducking back into the building where it was definitely cooler. The text message positively said 2:30, it was now 10 minutes before 3pm, and the car was still nowhere to be seen. She was going to be late for yet another meeting. This didn't surprise her anymore, being all too familiar with the horrible city traffic.
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Blown Away

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Fire in the hole!" WHOOOMPH! Lauren Thompson watched with satisfaction as the two tapered smokestacks suddenly curtsied and bowed like 18th Century dancing partners, collapsing into a billowing cloud of dust. She rose from her crouch behind the wall of sandbags, turned off the bullhorn and walked back to the operations trailer to review the remote camera videotapes.
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Sweet Women: Marsh

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I had just turned 35 – and not at all unhappy about that. I didn't have a lover, and that was fine too – I've never been desperate that way; I can be happy all by myself. So when my gay and lesbian health clinic was having one of its almost chronic fund raisers, and I was asked to volunteer for the date auction, I smiled brightly said sure, I'd be glad to.
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