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Category: Lesbian Sex
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I'm hearing words I never wanted to hear again, ever, in my life. Biopsy. Malignant. Cancer. I can't for the life of me remember leaving the doctor's office, but I'm sitting in my car, key in the ignition, door open, one foot on the concrete, and I can't breathe. The wound on my breast is throbbing, as if it knows that what was hidden beneath the flesh had evil intentions.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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'Honey, get up!' Leah repeated as she struggled to wake her lover. Hayley was an adorable little thing, much more so when she was cocooned in their bed covers. But this wasn't the time to be admiring little nymphs! Leah scrambled to the window yet again. Hayley's parents were getting out of their car. Shit!
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After the Game

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Looking back there were so many turning points in our lives but for me sexuality, and sex in general and its effect on our friendship and the different ways love developed became important in the autumn of the year we turned eighteen. I'm not talking about the "kids fooling about" stuff but the powerful sort that attracts and repels, the sort that drives you and changes your life forever.
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Kelly’s Moonlight Serenade

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Hello and welcome to my readers. I appreciate your votes, comments and feedback on my previous submittals. It is always a pleasure to hear from you. Thanks to my editor Rogue Lurker for her invaluable assistance in the preparation of this story.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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I'd inherited a house I had never seen, in a land I had never been to, from a relative I had never met. It was fortunate, plus or minus the un was still to be seen. The house stood solitary, proud and ram shackled, near the edge of the sheer, steep cliffs. No it didn't look foreboding; however it didn't look welcoming either. This was to be my new home?
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I Want to Know What Love Is

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Before I begin this tale I must tell you, this is not another one of those Cinderella stories, life, as I've learned, is hardly a fairy tale. Besides, I would look really bad in a dirty white, raggedy dress. I wasn't born to a step mother with two evil step sisters, I'm hardly prince charming and I sure ain't the fairy godmother. I'm just me; plain old me. I guess I should start at the beginning so things don't turn out backwards. Yes, life hasn't been a walk in the park for me, nor was I born with a golden spoon in my mouth, more like a pitiful request for a morsel of food.
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Rowan Ch. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
She was sitting in a booth, facing the front door. I walked up to her and smiled. She was still beautiful, maybe even more so. Her hair was not as long as she wore it when she was a young woman; now it was just above her shoulders in a very chic, professional cut.
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Getting Through to Paige

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Living with Paige was pure hell for Ally. Every moment she was around was like slow, agonizing torture which Ally often likened to having dull screws driven deep into her skull while having her heart ripped violently and awkwardly from her chest by hateful vultures. Well, maybe not that bad, but it definitely sucked in the worst possible way.
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A University Education Ch. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Chapter 2: Hayley I made a really stupid bet with a friend a few months ago. I quickly came to regret it, but at the time I had no idea what far reaching consequences it would have for me, and for my mother. My name's Hayley, I'm 18 and in my first year at university. I share a flat near the campus with two other girls. Simone's a huge black chick who throws the discus for the British junior team.
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My Old Flame Ch. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I had an uncomfortable few days after I ran into my former lesbian lover out at our village fete. I hadn't seen her for 25 years, I hadn't heard a peep from her in all that time, since I was 18, in fact. I'd married and raised an adult daughter, become a respected pillar of local society -- and then one day she turned up out of the blue!
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