
Lynne called the other day and asked to have lunch with me. That could mean only one thing. She had another match for me. Lynne runs a lesbian matching making service that comes perilously close to being an escort service and hence prostitution. The only thing that keeps it legal is the fact that both parties to the match must pay a fee for the introduction. What takes place after the introduction is simply whatever two consenting adults agree to do.
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I have watched you for hours. I have watched as you slept, watched while you bathed, watched as you raged against the hated space I keep between us. I have watched you and grinned to myself, knowing that you are completely unaware of the study I have made of you: your habits, your mood swings, your needs. You believe there is no interest there, no need, no want. Your belief is wrong. One day maybe, I will show you.
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It was a warm, sunny day and I decided to go outside and tend my flowers. Mike and I decided to give up our apartment and rent a house in the suburbs. It gave us much more privacy and I liked to spend more time outside gardening. Even a dominatrix can care for such delicate things as flowers.
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I hadn't intended to work late that night... I knew you had made plans to go out with a friend of yours. When I arrived home, you were already sitting in the living room, dressed and ready to go. You just smiled at me with a shake of your head. "Kind of figured you'd end up being late. Go take a shower, I'll get something out for you, ok?," You said with a sigh, getting off the couch, though you were still working on your tie. You always had trouble with those...
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This story is partly fictional, although the woman by the name of Lynne is real but I have not used her real name and she does indeed run a matchmaking service for lonely, horny lesbians. Although she calls it matchmaking, it is actually prostitution.
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Author's Note: This is a very quick little snippet of girl-on-girl naughty, a sort of experimental sensual snack, that I wrote awhile ago and picked up this afternoon for kicks.
As always, everyone is over eighteen. You are too.
Anyhoo, hope you like it and you remember to do the vote thingie.
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