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"No, not for over two years." "Any encounters within this period?" The soothing hum of an air conditioner drifts through the office. "...yeah." follows a moment's hesitation in the girl's response. "If you care to say so, roughly, how recently was this?" A rustling of paperwork fills the moment's silence as the young woman averts her gaze.
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For Research Purposes Only

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 3 votes
Olivia took a deep breath, shook herself a little to try to calm the nervous trembling that quivered inside her, and pressed the door bell. She waited only a minute, even less, and the door opened. "Oh hi Olivia," the man at the door said. It was her next door neighbour in the small, quiet street. A bit of a mystery man, though well-liked by everyone, forty-ish, single, rarely said much at all about his private life, and all the neighbours respected that.
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