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Night of Firsts

Category: BDMS
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At some point I would ask Nicole how she found out about my fetish for women's panties. At the moment, I couldn't ask her anything, a pink pair of her sodden satin underwear was stuffed in my mouth and serving quite ably as a gag. My wrists were bound to the bedposts with silk scarves, my ankles pulled back toward my head and also tied to the bedposts.
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Enemies with Benefits

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
You find it slightly hard to believe he even thinks you would consider doing this. The first time you saw it on a porn film you were fascinated but utterly repelled: a woman being deeply sodomised and then, when the man withdrew, spinning rapidly round as if eager, dropping to her knees and taking his glistening penis directly, deeply, apparently greedily into her mouth. How could she do that? What did it taste like? Was it safe?
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