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Category: Group Sex
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Billy was skipping across campus, well not really skipping, guys don’t usually skip but he was walking so fast he gave the impression of skipping. As far as Billy was concerned he wouldn’t have called it skipping, he would considered it walking on air. It would have to be very warm air as his school is in the deep south and the cold just doesn’t seem to have the energy to go that far south. Billy is a sophmore, the name of the school is not important to our story.
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Kelli and the Masseuse

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This story is entirely a work of fiction. However, the story itself was written by the request of a Nifty reader. The main character and the antagonist, the theme, the setting, and a lot of the details were supplied by the reader. I wish to thank this person for their efforts and for answering my various questions. I hope you like the result.
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