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Room 109

Category: Group Sex
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All Ron had told me was to meet him in room 109 at the Amerisuites. I had been emailing Ron back and forth telling him my secrets, my fantasies. He promised to help me break out of my shyness, and I’d done some things since that I’d never thought I’d do before. After many secrets exposed, Ron convinced me to join him in a private chatroom, where we started to have cyber sex.
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Door to Door

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
One day I was out trying to drum up sales for my entrepreneurial business. I was going door to door around the surrounding neighborhoods to see if people would be agreeable to being added to my mailing list to receive my catalogs. I was dressed to give the impression of a knowledgeable business woman so that people could put their trust in me enough to be willing to sign up to my mailing list.
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