
The night started as it had many times before, but ended with a twist I only dreamed would happen. My wife (Sandy) and I (Pete) had our good friends Jim and Jan over for the weekend for some time away from the kids. The norm for these weekends is chatting, watching movies, and playing games such as Uno, Sequence, and other non-brain challenging games.
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Jan closed the heavy wooden door and then leaned against it and sighed deeply. What a morning, she thought. First Bob, her husband of over twenty years, lost his briefcase. She'd found it for him and was trying to get breakfast ready, when Eric, her eldest, announced he was quitting his job. This provoked a fight with his father that Jan broke up only by stepping between them. Janie, her middle child, had then come into the kitchen with both hands filled with clothes and wailed that she had nothing to wear.
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