
"Hey man, you got a light?" the old guy next to me asked with a hoarse voice. He looked to be about 5'5" tall, overweight, had a head full of roughed up black and gray greasy hair, and a shaggy beard. I guessed his age to be around 50. His jeans and flannel shirt were a little dirty looking.
"Sorry, I don't smoke," I told him.
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There is something particularly humiliating about being arrested covered in cum, piss, and surrounded by big black men, especially when you were once a very well-off businessman with a simple insertion fetish. My whole private life had been exposed in a day, and it affected my professional life a great deal. My face was plastered all over the news for weeks. Obviously they weren't flashing my cum covered naked ass on the nightly news, but plenty of pictures surfaced on the Internet and were making their rounds. It was a huge scandal.
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Ted groaned as he hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. He didn't have to go into work today, but he wasn't particularly motivated to start the day either. He'd gone to bed forty-six years old and woke up forty-seven and felt rather blase about the whole thing. His sex life was practically non existent, his wife gone nearly ten years, and a single daughter who was getting ready to leave for college.
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