
My best friend John and I grew up together. We have known each other for 30 years. John is a straight 31 year old manly man, big and strong about 6 feet tall and weighs 250 lbs. He’s not all that good looking. I am also 31 years old, 6-3, 225 lbs, married and have never considered myself gay or bisexual. I have often fantasized about other men as most men do, but not to the point where I wanted to go out and try it.
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"The boys training coach is on vacation next week and I'm covering for him." She said as she and her husband cleared he kitchen table
"That should be fun," he replied. "Do you think these boys will listen to you?"
"Sure, they respect me. I am in better shape than most of them," she replied.
"No, I mean, will they be able to concentrate when their teacher is in tight gym clothes with your breasts in their faces as you spot their weights?", he said.
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Jenna watched as Lilly pulled her t-shirt over her breasts. B Cups, she thought to herself. Lilly smoothed out the wrinkles and pulled on her jeans. Jenna lay quietly, watching intently from the bed. Lilly thought she was still sleeping. Jenna watched as Lilly's pert breasts bounced as she crossed the room, leaning over slightly. Jenna caught a glimpse of what was down her t-shirt, making her bite her lips with anticipation.
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My name is Dr. Matthew Dorhring. Samantha's father and I met almost 25 years ago while working as teaching assistants at the same institution where I am now a tenured professor. A few years ago, I took a sabbatical from the university during which I traveled and lived in different parts of the world and had missed seeing Samantha develop from child to adolescent. It wasn't until just before Samantha's high school graduation that I moved back to the states, and for the first time saw how beautifully she had grown and transitioned from a gangly adolescent into a nubile, sexy young woman, eager for life and new experiences.
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