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Hotel Erotique

Category: Group Sex
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At the hotel bar she's just finishing her glass of wine, relaxing from the meetings of the day. It had been ten hours since she left her room this morning, and she can't wait to get back to it now. She's still dressed in her formal business attire-- skirt suit, dark nylons, medium heels, her long auburn hair done up in a nice wrap-- and she's looking forward to a nice hot bath and some entertaining company for the rest of the evening.
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Meeting the Professor

Category: Group Sex
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"Gretchen, are you sure everything's okay? Ever since we got here you've been acting so... nervous! It's okay to relax, you know. I mean, the conference is over. And I don't know about you, but I'm planning on celebrating tonight!" I smiled at Lauren – she was sweet to encourage me to relax, and I did want to let loose. More than she knew.
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Rendezvous – Canadian Weekend

Category: Group Sex
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"What do you think of him?" Ed whispered across the table to Carla as he nodded in the direction of a man sitting up at the bar. The couple had been exclusively dating for a few weeks now. Ed had been telling Carla of his fantasy of having another man join their bed for a few weeks now. He wanted her to experience all the sexual pleasure there was possible and he thought having another male help to make love to her would satisfy her beyond her dreams. He knew one of those dreams involved a threesome with her in the middle.
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Surprise Package

Category: Group Sex
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Approximately 99.99% of the male Lit readers have no doubt fantasized over the opportunity to have the infamous Lucia's (a/k/a the aptly named Gimmie_your_load) luscious mouth wrapped around their cock. As if her self-description as a "cock-obsessed fellatrix" weren't incentive enough, Lucia is a splendidly vivid and eloquent author, who also happens to be quite beautiful and amply endowed in the, uh, chest region.
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Out of the Blue

Category: Anal Sex
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Gary was going about his normal routine on the building site when his mobile rang. He put down the piece of wood he was just about to nail onto the house frame and pulled the phone out of his pocket. "Emily" the screen read. Now there's a name he hadn't heard in a long time. He pressed the button and put the phone up to his ear.
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Hotel Rendezvous

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She got into the hotel elevator on the 7th floor, wearing nothing a swimsuit with a towel around her waist, at the same time I got out, and I knew I had to follow her. There was no doubt it was the same woman I'd noticed that morning as I'd left for the conference, leaving room 713 just after I'd walked out of 717. She'd had on a perfectly smooth pencil skirt over black hose or stockings, a matching jacket, three-inch heels, and a white blouse--the kind of business attire that drives me to distraction every single time.
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Just Another Normal Day

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My alarm startled me awake, even though the only sound it made was the gentle vibration of my cell phone against my nightstand. It seemed every morning promptly at 9:15 I went through this ritual when it went off, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. I reached over for the little button on the side, stopping the noise and rolled back over, snuggling deeper into the warm blankets. I heard the covers rustle slightly, and then I felt a single finger tracing patterns on the bare skin of my back.
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