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Kati Swings at Last

Category: Anal Sex
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This is the story of what happened when my wife Kati and I went on cruise a few months ago. What happened was so unexpected, I can still hardly believe it. If you've read anything else I've written about Kati, you'll know she's not only sexually adventurous but also very submissive.
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Conquering Christmas

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David Blake examined his reflection in the bathroom mirror. His hair was neat and combed and cut in the latest style and his face was cleanly shaven. David smiled at himself as he stepped backward and away from his reflection. He did a half turn to admire how his suit fit and couldn't suppress a grin. He was looking good as always and knew it.
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Opening Caitlin Ch. 02

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On Caitlin's thirtieth birthday, she woke to find a letter on her husband's pillow. "Open at 10 AM," it said. She looked at the clock. It was 8:15. She looked back at the envelope, and considered it. If she opened it now, there was absolutely no way Richard could know. Right? As logical as that seemed, Caitlin didn't trust that. Richard had a way of knowing these things.
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Roleplays Can Be Interesting Indeed

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"Let the game begin!" the Gamemaster shouted. The girl opened her eyes and looked quickly from side to side. One of the warlocks took this as a cue to let out a spontaneous: "Welcome to the feast princess." Followed by a mocking laugh. The girl was quick to join up on that track.
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Rich Bitch Whore

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When they started building the apartment building next door it was more an annoyance than anything else. It would take almost a year for them to complete the building after razing the smaller brownstones that now occupied the space. We overlooked four of the smaller buildings and their backyards. Not the most amazing view, but it was wide open to the skies. Our apartment was on the 11th floor.
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Learning from Elizabeth

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Elizabeth and I have been friends for more years than we care to remember. She is the one person I feel totally comfortable with, and who knows ALL my secrets. I have always known she is bi-sexual and admired the fact that she took the world by storm, while I was afraid to act on my desires.
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Scholarship Requirements

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Tiffany Andrews arrived early for her appointment with Miss Elizabeth Jones, Principle of Hedley Coleville Academy. She had only been to the office of the exclusive school once before, when she had enrolled her two children, Amber who was 12 and Derrick 10.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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So now you're going to learn more about my life than you probably want to know. But that weekend with Grace and Kale was such a crazy couple of days, I had to write it down. Skip to the end for the sex, but if you really want to know what happened, read on. I just hope neither Kale nor Grace read this.
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Category: Gay Male
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Will paced back and forth in his dressing room as he recited the lines over and over to himself. Tomorrow was the first day of shooting; the first day he had to make a whole audience of people believe he was gay. It's not that he had anything against gays, or that he felt like he was above them, but he had a sort of disconnect, and wondered if this role was beyond his talents. He sat down at his table, in front of the mirror, and stared at his very blond hair. It was quite a different look for him, and he wasn't entirely sure it suited him.
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