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One Charming Night

Category: Lesbian Sex
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We'd been sparring partners at the gym for awhile, which is why, when my bellydance class had a performance, I invited her to come with me. It was a whole big gala hafla thing, sit down dinner and all, and I just really wanted to know someone there besides my dance classmates. And Phoebe was the only person outside that context that I had really connected with since moving to San Francisco last year.
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Waiting For Suzy

Category: Anal Sex
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Nicky was bored. She had an hour to kill before Suzy finished her shift. Then they’d play. Oh fuck, how they’d play. She was still sore and tingly from earlier. The pouring water of the shower hadn’t totally removed the friction from three of Suzy’s fingers, as they slid into her ass. She owed Suzy a giant cum for that. And she’d deliver.
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