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Lunch by the Lake

Category: Gay Male
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It all started when I had lunch by the lake, near where I work. I was in my truck parked in a parking area with a nice view of the lake enjoying a Sandwich, when a car pulled up next to me. I didn't really think much about it, until after a few minutes I glanced over and noticed the guy next to me was looking at me, I just looked straight ahead and continued with my lunch, a few minutes later I look back and he had taken out his cock and was playing with it.
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Your Fallen Hero Ch. 01

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Authors note - Thankyou for taking the time to read my work, i know this chapter is fairly short, but it is only the introduction to the story about how Joe and Jacob meet. Enjoy. * It was mentally exhausting, and that's without adding how physically exhausting it was to push yourself every day, into something that felt so impossible.
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Love Letters

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Introduction: Dear readers, this one is something a bit different for me. It is just a short and simple attempt to portray the love shared by two men through letters. It does however hope to capture the essence of a subject dear to me; the potential beauty of love between homosexual men. I hope you enjoy this little effort and as always, your comments and votes are appreciated -- Yukonnights
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Next Time

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I hurried out of the building, my cock hard and dripping copious amounts of precum, staining the front of my slacks. I awkwardly attempted to cover myself with my briefcase as my mind raced. "Did that really just happen? Did one of the most powerful industrial giants just use me as his cumslut?" I hailed a taxi and offered a generous tip to get me to my hotel as quickly as possibly. Ten minutes later and $30 poorer, I was safely enclosed in my suite at the Hyatt.
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