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Serving the Online Community

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Meeting potential sexual partners on the Internet, while fraught with potential disaster, does have its benefits. My sexual tastes are very specific and often, it's difficult finding someone with complimentary interests. Although you wouldn't think it would be so difficult...after all, I love to suck cock and what man in their right mind doesn't appreciate a good blowjob?
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Me and Jack

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

I had been to the bookstore many times and had a lot of fun going there. I knew I would continue to go there but since I had moved to Jackson it was less frequent. I also knew that I was wanting a little bit more out of this side of my life. I wanted to try to meet someone to hook up with occasionally. I wasn't quite sure how to do this, but I knew if there was a way, it would have to be on the Internet. I started searching the Internet and looking for ways to meet men.

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