
"Hunter... Wake up sweetie, come on.." The soft paw on my chest is comforting, keeping me warm.
"Hunter let go of my arm. I need that."
"No it's my arm" I say, smiling and hugging the paw close to my heart.
"Good morning, cutie"
He's such a charmer, even now he looks so perfect to me
"You were drooling on my fur, silly boy."
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Long ago, before anyone's grandfather could remember, there had been a war, between wolves and men. The wolves won, not only because they were stronger, faster, and more cunning, but because they did not betray their own kind, as did the men.
After the war, a peace was settled, so that man and wolf might live in unity, but only a wolf was allowed to hold the throne, because humans were easily corrupted, and could not be trusted with government.
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Must Love Dogs -- that's what the ad had said, and I do love dogs. But I had no idea that those three words would unlock the door to the strangest sexual adventure of my life.
At the time, the sentence that had really caught my eye was the next one: "Only women need apply." I was no equal rights lawyer, but I was pretty sure employers couldn't discriminate based on sex.
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