
We hadn't spoken for weeks when Kait sent me an email from two time zones away. When Kait sends any 'report' from the front line of her life it indicates that something serious is happening. More than three lines suggests that emotions have been tampered with, sex is on the horizon or there's a 'what do you think about this' question to ponder.
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The snow continued to fall and Neal was tired from the long drive. However, as he turned onto the road to the ski resort, his excitement built. The mountains ahead of him were covered in white and the heavy snowfall bode well for a great week of skiing.
It was spring break of his sophomore year in college. His childhood friend, Cassie, had invited him to join her and her family at their slope-side vacation home.
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My affair with Stevie; if that's what you want to call it is still going on today. It's not an affair in the conventional sense as there is absolutely no chance that he would ever buy me flowers or take me to a French Restaurant. Nor would I want him to. We are as he quaintly calls it – 'fuck-buddies'.
We still occasionally go to the derelict factory on a Friday afternoon and the odd evening after work.
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This story occurred chronologically before my story "Not Lesbians," which also features Marilyn. While they are separate stories, I recommend reading this one first, as Mare has made further sexual progress by the time of the other story.
I met this good-looking girl Marilyn in a Psychology class soon after I transferred to a different college my sophomore year.
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