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Qualifications with Mom

Category: Incest
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It was supposed to be wonderful. Patricia's son -- her pride and joy -- was only weeks away from attending college. The freshman semester would be starting soon and they were both overjoyed. So it came as a complete shock when she saw Tyler coming home that Saturday morning with a frown on his face. He had just returned from a fraternity meeting in which eligibility for new membership was explained.
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Frat House Gang Bang

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was a Friday night in spring, prime time for frat parties around campus. My roommate, Shauna, and I were freshmen and often attended one of these parties to have something to do. But we almost always left early out of boredom with the drunken antics of the younger frat brothers. This Friday started and ended differently.
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Frat’s Little Sisters Want You

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was dark in the room and I was too busy trying to blink the sleep from my eyes to focus on the girl, but that didn't matter. Whoever she was had her head in my lap. I could feel her tongue caressing my balls as she used one hand to work my cock. What a way to wake up! My cock grew hard immediately.
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