
God, how did she ever end up in this dump!
She had hitched a traveler from the planet Armides hoping to make the Warness Cluster, but due to slight miscalculation on her part, she had ended up here in some godforsaken mining asteroid at the arse end of nowhere, with a month to kill before she could get off planet. She was low on credits, but if she was careful she had just enough to see her through. Though she might be forced to get a job, heaven forbid!
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She woke up a little later than usual, her first reaction to check the clock. Before her heart could race at the thought of being late, she remembered it was a Saturday, and her next thought was of the night before, the smell of his cologne and sweat and cum drifting up from the sheets.
Looking around, she wondered if he had left – a typical one-night stand – or if maybe he was just in the bathroom.
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"Have you decided on the next scene?"
She looked up from her appetizer to see the question in his blue-gray eyes. She reached into her purse and passed him the slip of paper, looking away.
Moments later she looked up at his comment. "This will take a little while." She shivered at how clinical he had become. Exactly as she wanted.
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