
At first, she was just a customer in the store, albeit a pretty one. Blonde, blue eyed, with a curvy body, she projected an attractive aura, and her youthful flirtiness just added to her charm. He was only a couple years out of college, an assistant manager, someone who handled both the difficult and special customers. He earned a good reputation with customers, his combination of boyish enthusiasm, surprising knowledge, and attention to their needs contributing to building a loyal customer base.
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"Pick up your seating assignment at the front table, please," said the young man in the white shirt and black slacks. The badge on his chest proclaimed his name to be Chad. Hazel was sure his nickname in high school was probably "Pizza Face" or something similar. The poor guy really needed a dermatologist, or one of those miracle creams they sell on television for severe acne. As Hazel approached the table, Chad smiled brightly at her.
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Paul exited his office heading toward the mail room, as he stepped into the room he ran directly into a young lady heading out. With a slight screech the poor girl landed flat on her butt.
"Oh my god," Paul said with concern, reaching down to help her up. "Are you alright?"
As he bent to take her hand, his eyes diverted to her legs, down to her sandaled feet and up to the sight of her panty clad pussy, then back down her legs to her pretty little feet and painted toenails.
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