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Fishing Camp

Category: Group Sex
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It was the biggest fishing trip of the year. Four couples were preparing to spend a week in the woods at a remote lake accessible only by seaplane. The plan was for fishing, just getting away from the city for a while, and communing with nature. Then disaster struck. All at once it seemed, one after the other, for various reasons, all of the other wives dropped out. Given the disastrous news all around, I telephoned my husband, Rick, and suggested that they make it a stag affair and I'd find something to do around here.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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Gerri killed the engine on her bass boat and glided into a cove sighing with contentment. Looking around at the morning mist rising from the lake she couldn't think of anywhere she would rather be or anything else she would rather be doing. As the boat slowed to a near stop she rose from the helm and slid into her bass seat taking up her rod and engaging the foot controlled trolling motor.
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And I’ll Get a Pole

Category: Mature
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"You get a line, and I'll get a pole, and we'll go fishing in the crawdad hole..." The chorus of young voices finally faded out as Nicole, her two sisters, and their seven kids made it back to camp from their fishing spot on the lake. Despite the still early hour, the heat was already oppressive. Fortunately, there was an easy cure for that.
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Three of a Kind

Category: Group Sex
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I woke up around three thirty in the morning with a raging piss hard-on. Since at the present time I live alone there was nothing to do with it but head for the bathroom. At my age, a hard-on of any kind is a terrible thing to waste. Also at my age, waking up this early is always a problem as it's hard to get back to sleep. I tried to go back to bed and sleep but it wasn't happening, so I got back up and made a pot of coffee.
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Another Fishing Trip

Category: Group Sex
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The ringing of the alarm dragged me up out of a drunken sleep at four thirty in the morning. I lay there staring at the clock and wondering why it was ringing at this time of the morning. It was nearly one when I had fallen into bed after closing the bar. That rang a small bell in my hazy mind. I had promised someone I would take them fishing but for the life of me I couldn't remember who.
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