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I Call on Jill & Mary

Category: Fetish
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When Jill was born the medical staff looked at the baby's genitals and told the parents "You have a baby boy." The baby was named Jack, after his uncle and spent the next several years as a boy. Jack never got involved in sports with other boys, partly because of his small stature and partly because he felt more at home playing with girls.
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Legally Binding

Category: Fetish
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As I explained in my first story (My first submissive), I'm fortunate to have a high paying job at a large well known firm. While my employer is equal opportunity and all of that, even the most open minded employer wouldn't react well if they learned they had an amateur dominatrix on their senior staff.
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Magikal Goods

Category: Fetish
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"Hello? Anyone here?" Sam closed the door behind him, and gazed around the labyrinth of shelves for the owner. For the last twelve years, Magikal Goods was run by a man named Karlus. He was a loner, not talking much outside of making a deal. But lately, he'd been even more reserved. People would walk in wanting to haggle, and he's just aggressively point to the price on the item until they'd either pay it, or walk out.
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Your Mother’s Panties

Category: Incest
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I had been suspicious of your visits to my panty drawer for quite some time, but it wasn't until I bought that nanny-cam that I could confirm it. You can imagine my surprise when I began coming home from work and finding video after video of my nineteen year-old son dressed in my bras, my panties, my dresses and high heels. That was the kind of behavior you might expect from a little girl, not a nearly grown young man. What amazed me most was how often you did it, how shameless you were in what you took.
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The Fantasy Twist

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Dan constantly fantasized about being dominated by a woman. He couldn't explain the logic behind his kinky desires but the thought of being helpless and submissive to a dominant woman overwhelmed him with erotic pleasures. His wife of 3 years knew about his fantasies and on occasions would indulge in them with Dan.
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