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Incest—a word that has extreme negative connotations. The image that most often comes about when the word is mentioned is that of a father forcing himself on his daughter. Any forcible sex act, especially done by a parent to a child, should result in the parent being punished in legal and non-legal ways.
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As anyone who has grown up in a tightly knit family knows, there are personalities, likes and dislikes, and of course the private secrets about other members of the family. These secrets are sometimes small, sometimes large, and are rarely revealed to outsiders because, in a way, it would be doing something against the family's privacy and trust.
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Story Code: M/F, Family Sex, Incest, Impregnation, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism
In 2011 there was a drought, just a minor inconvenience to most domestic water users but on a farm, not being able to water your crops can be financially ruinous. The field at the head of the valley was called 'Spring Field' on the farm deeds so my father-in-law asked my husband to do a little digging through the parish records to see if there had been any mention of an actual spring in that field.
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my time as been taken help with so many projects that i just don't have the time to write, so this story is probale my last, i hope the readers enjoy it. i'll post the chapters that i have finished as soon as possible. thanks for all the feedback, both good and bad, the readers are great.
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This story is purely fiction, and none of the events are real or contain real characters. Please feel free to comment any feedback, thank you! ~ Kitten
Only a few days after her 18th birthday, Rya laid in her bed, eyes gazing at the ceiling.
"Damn, that was so hot.." She murmured, breathlessly. For years now she had been having very vivid, sexual dreams of her father and her doing... unmentionable, unspeakable things.
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