
Somehow, over the period of a couple years, I developed this (Cyber-crush) on a man on the Internet whom I only knew through his words and text. He has a website where he posts erotica of all sorts, some of which he writes Himself. It was hard not to automatically take notice of Him. His words were like mind candy. The appeal of every word, every curse, every movement and every taboo called out to me.
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She sat cross-legged on the ground with the large book in her lap, her palms up on either side. Her head tilted upwards toward the cloudy night, he watched in stunned silence as her chest rose and fell and the clouds parted to reveal the subtle light of the blood moon. As is typical of harvest time it was large and round tinted with the rusty color of the fallen leaves. She rose, letting the book fall to the grass, keeping her palms upwards she moved her arms up toward the glowing sphere above them. He watched intently as her lips moved, breathing the seductive whispers of the ancient art.
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