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The Usherette

Category: BDMS
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Cruise Ship Cinema was an older style movie theater that had been converted to a multiplex as best as the architecture of the antiquated building would allow. There were eight theaters and an oversized entry lobby. The projection loft was on a second floor that ran above the lower ceiling hall that separated the theaters into two banks of four.
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Riding the Rails

Category: BDMS
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I knew he had been planning something unusual for several days before he broached the subject - there was just something in his manner that suggested he was thinking, analyzing, and preparing some new exploit. It's one of the things I love about him - he's always working out new things to try and new experiences for us to share. He finally came out with his latest idea as we were rinsing the dinner dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
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Sweetness is Led Astray

Category: BDMS
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As a writer here, I am quite different. I write for women! I write in the 1st and 2nd person present text. I write for those women that are sexually bored, sadly underappreciated in their roles as girlfriend, wife and mother, or frightfully inhibited, but hiding a secret insatiable fantasy side...I write for those women that yearn to be in the grasp of strong, successful, attractive dominant that are mysterious, successful, powerful, erotic.
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An Awakening

Category: Lesbian Sex
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This is a story about unexpected love, about life lived with a blindfold obscuring a glorious reality... Parties are successful sometimes, aren't they? But does everyone look back and say the same thing? To this day I keep telling people – Stephie in particular – that I'm not so sure my party was a great success in itself. But between you and me? Ah, now that's an entirely different story.
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