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Birthday Girl

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She answered the door to me wearing the same robe as the previous week, short and low cut leaving no doubt that she was naked underneath, the outline of her nipple bars clear to see. "Hi Marco, come in." "Thank you Mrs Morganite."
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Liz Bradshaw

Category: Group Sex
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Liz Bradshaw prowled around her spacious apartment, a double shot of vodka in hand. Her angular face bare of any makeup, revealed a good-looking woman just shy of forty who was both lonely and depressed. Mr. Bradshaw had left with no warning some five months back. Liz later learned he'd run off with a twenty year old, leaving Liz with all the bills.
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Ruth and Her Daughter

Category: Incest
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I've been working as an escort in Cardiff for a few months now. I was a late starter -- I've just turned 54 years old -- but I've been surprised just how much business I'm getting. I used to do it part-time, but I've given up my job as a school secretary now and see men every week day. I only work during the days, not evenings, and my dull husband Don doesn't suspect a thing.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I'm a femme lesbian who works for an investment-banking firm in Chicago. In my line of work it is hard to meet women like myself. After my girlfriend and I broke up for the last time, I became very lonely and bored. I was 36 years old and single for the first time in a long time. At first I thought that I would love my freedom, but this euphoria didn't last very long.
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